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What Do You Want?

I was asked this question today by a teacher and friend, Effy Wild. I am part of her September Blog Along, challenging myself to write a blog post each and every day during the month of September. I missed yesterday due to a family emergency -- my sister is critically ill in the hospital. Please send your prayers, Light, and positive vibrations to her. She needs to be surrounded by all of the Light we all can muster. Thank you in advance for sending your love, Light, and prayers.

I love Effy's writing style. She is open, honest, and sincerely vulnerable in her writing. This shows in her art and her teaching -- she was my first art journal teacher and I still take her classes to this very day. BODkin forevah!!! LOL Effy pushes me to be more vulnerable in my writing just by being who she is.

I've always wanted this blog to be more active, for me to write more. So I joined Effy's challenge in hopes that it would kick start my efforts to be more attentive to writing here. Even if I don't make the 30 posts -- at this point I can't because of yesterday's miss, but that won't stop me from reaching for the other 29 days! -- any that I make above one in a month would make the blog more active in the month of September 2017. It may also cause me to continue to write more frequently...

Effy's blog post was all about what she wanted in this month of September. At the end, she asked her readers what it was that they wanted. I decided to answer her here:

I want for my newly launched online community for this website, Kintsugi Living Sadhana Online, to become a thriving space of creativity shared in by all who join. It is absolutely FREE and will be for as long as I can foresee in this moment. There are different Circles of Interest that you can join depending on your interest:

  • ATC Affirmations

  • BeMore Writers' Block

  • Hobo Alley

  • Off the Page

  • And more...

And I invite you to suggest other Circles of Interest that we can start together. I will be posting process videos, both full length and accelerated, showing you what I do in my journals. Maybe something I do will inspire you to get cracking in your journal.

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." ~Oprah

(Clicking the picture takes you to our Circle of Interest.)

In wanting for this community to thrive, I have to be honest that this isn't my first attempt at building one. My very first attempt resulted in a hugely active and thriving scrapbooking community. Oh the fun we had! There were over 300 active members and we held swaps and contests and challenges and free online classes/tutorials... After that ended, I delved into working on Self. Took classes, Effy's Book of Days being one of them, taking a much needed break from the drama that scrapbookers can bring. Whew! They can be some ugly, vicious, slandering women... But this post isn't about that thank goodness!

But in being honest about the Kintsugi Living Sadhana Online not being my first attempt at an online creative community, I also have to be honest with my Self that fear has prevented me from starting a new community with my new interests. Not fear of its success or failure -- if I have but one community member, then I have achieved success in my eyes. My fear is of the Negative Nannas that eventually got into our community and brought division and strife. To be fully honest, it got so bad that I simply walked away... I could no longer be part of what it had become and I was not fighting with grown women who had issues they chose to project on me and what was then. There are over 300 women who know better. Over 300 women who know what that community was before 3 women with ulterior motives were welcomed with open loving arms by a group who placed no judgement on anyone and embraced everyone.

Lesson learned...

Not that the Kintsugi Living Sadhana Online will not operate on the same premise: all welcome without judgement. That will always be my basis for doing anything. However, I have learned the lessons of my past! What I won't allow in my new community are negative vibrations of ANY nature. You will be warned once and banned at the very sign of you transgressing any of the rules a second time. Banned. Permanently. We don't want that kind of energy in our space.

Yes -- our space...

I may have been the one to build the online community, but it's not a community if it's my space. The word "community" indicates a group, a collective. This is a space we will build collectively, with the needs and desires of everyone taken into consideration. Although there are standing Circles of Interest already started, a simple suggestion that is in line with the theme and tone of the community is all it takes to start a new interest group that isn't already started.

My dream is to enjoy again the energy generated when working in community, on like interests. What I want is for me to have the strength and courage to forge forward and not let my past burden me. To use the principles of the Kintsugi Living Method -- using the lessons of the past and releasing the baggage -- and build something more beautiful, more valuable. Kintsugi. My goal. That is what I want.

I want also to continue to open up more, be more vulnerable in my writing. I have a great role model in Effy Wild... This post is a start along that journey. I am vulnerable here, opening up about my past community. Showing a bit of hurt at what it became and how I walked away. Telling you of my fears in starting this one. I proclaim victory over this desire, but will continue to desire it going forward. Make it a continuous goal to ensure my continually vulnerability. Thank you for "listening."

What is it that you want? Comment below and share what's on your list.

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