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Stepping Into Your Power

I am taking a year long class to deepen my practice and to be able to offer a deeper experience to my blog readers and course participants. At the conclusion of our first class, I participated in a healing session offered by our instructor, Mary Tyrtle Rooker. During the session, I asked for guidance on my path as a Divine Helper. It is clear to me what I have been called to do in this lifetime; what has been unclear is how to manifest this part of my journey. What I received as guidance was a question and an answer:

Who Are You?


What I learned in that moment was that it is time to step into my power. It is time to take my place at the Crone's table. It is time to share the wisdom of my 50+ years and help guide those who are coming up behind me. My elders are no longer of this world. They made with me an agreement with me that as I was guided, I would guide those in the next generation. I will make with them the same pact:

That they pass down the wisdom given by me, which was given to me by my elders, who received it from the Ancient Ones.

I realize this is something I have been avoiding in my life -- not because I've reached that age -- rather because I felt some kind of way about considering myself a "wise one." It seemed cocky, arrogant almost. Far from anything I would ever consider myself to be or any way I would carry myself. In that moment, however, I realized that this wasn't True Self talking. I don't even know if I want to consider it left-brain logic speaking. In its purest and simplest form, there was one thing blocking me:


Period. Point blank. I was getting in my own way. Thinking too much. Evaluating. Not allowing the flow to simply go. I released the thoughts of "who was I to think I could advise another" and moved into "I am Wysdom. Crone if even in the infancy of my Crone Sisterhood membership." This is an awakening to what is. It is not a claim to a title or status that elevates me anywhere -- certainly not above any other being. I am part of the Cosmic Whole, not an individual outside of that. I consciously choose to participate in the Collective and not stand apart.

We all have that choice...

The choice to be an individual working outside of the circle (cycle) of life and existing. Or the choice to operate as part of the whole, living and breathing in rhythm with all else that exists. During this transition from Winter to Spring, we enter a period of awakening. Rebirth and Renewal. The time is now to manifest anew. Bring forth new dreams for your life and release that which no longer serves you.

This Vernal Equinox, I gave my Self a gift: A Crone Crowning Ceremony. What better time to outwardly embrace this new leg of my journey? At the very point in the year where the Northern Hemisphere embraces the change in season from Winter to Spring. When Mother Earth Herself awakens and begins to bring forth new life. It is when I stepped into my full power and took my place at the Crone's Table.

Are you allowing ego to take over the reigns and guide your life? Now is the time to take back the reigns and plant the seeds of your future. What is it that you want to manifest in this cycle? In the new Member's Area of this website there is a copy of a beautiful and simple Vernal Equinox Ritual which can help you to plant the seeds of your dreams and desires. Take the time to manifest your own life so that you may step fully into your own power. A copy of my Crone Crowning Ceremony can also be found in the new Member's Area. Feel free to use it as is or adapt it to use for your own ceremony.

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