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Lots has been happening to me over the last several weeks both spiritually and physically...

On March 18th I had a shamanic healing session with the beautiful Mary Tyrtle of Shamanic Spring. This is also where I am attending Sovereignty School as part of my continuing education as a healer. During the healing session, many things became clear to me. Not only was the answer to my most pressing question given loud and clear, but I was also given my spiritual name (after many dances with names that did not resonate with me). Both the answer and the spiritual name lie in one word: Wisdom.

You see, I kept questioning why women sought me out. I kept questioning if whether my being a helper to women really was what I was called to do or whether this was Ego feeding me. I questioned why when minding my business and not seeking to help, why women seemed to find me anyway. But the one question that I asked -- the others were just swirling in my mind -- was "What am I to do with these women that seek me out and find me? How is it that I am to help them?" As I lay on Tyrtle's mat with her shamanic drum laid over my chest, her soft voice guiding me deeper and deeper, connecting me with Spirit, I asked my question and the immediate word that came screaming into my mind was "Wisdom."

Just like that.

And then the flood gates opened... Messages of "you are here to share the wisdom that has been shared with you" came streaming in. I saw my True Soul Self as an older version of me. Wise. Knowing. Far from egotistical or arrogant -- two things I fear greatly in this work. I fear them because there is no ego in this work. If you are truly called to help guide others to their own healing, it is not something you were brought to by Ego. Nor is it something which causes you to be arrogant. It is a humbling gift, one which is handled with great care. I was given symbols that are meaningful to me and the guidance I was seeking.

I was told to stop avoiding the fact that I am now a Crone. It is this passage that has cleared the way for me to move fully into my calling. And I have found that I have avoided my Cronehood because that meant I was at the table with the Wise Ones. Wisdom. Something that my left brain, the logical side, says I have not yet fully attained because I'm "still young." And I am still young -- a young Crone. A newbie to this honored place. And I was given the name Wysdom to signify my passage into Cronehood and to confirm my calling in this world.

It was a spiritual (re)birth, bringing me to the next level in my spiritual development...

With this new knowledge, I have been given new tasks. One of them being to focus on developing this website and this way of living. To fully develop the Kintsugi Living ministry and share with all of you and the world the goodness of living a life which honors your past and not shame you for it. I am expanding and embracing both the physical and spiritual changes. There are always challenges with great growth. My stroke was just one. It was a reminder to practice what I teach: Self- Love.

Self-Love entails self-care. While I hone in and focus on the ministry of the Kintsugi Living Sadhana, I too hone in and focus on much needed self-care. No longer spreading my Self so thin that the body becomes weak and prone to illness, such as the stroke. It is time for us all to listen to the messages we receive from Source. It is time for you to practice extreme self-care by honing in on your calling, focusing on manifesting it, and thereby bringing your Self into full focus.


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