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Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2017

The Vernal Equinox comes in tomorrow for the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere will celibrate the Autumnal Equinox. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, where this School and course originate, we will be enjoying the Vernal Equinox. Spring...

The Vernal Equinox initiates in a period of awakening. It is Spring and Mother Earth has awakened. She is fertile and ready to receive the seeds planted during this time so that they may germinate and bring forth new life in the months to come. We are afforded this same opportunity for awakening and sowing the seeds of our life at this juncture. It is a time where we become more active and begin to create anew.

Although it is not a New Moon, it is still a period of rebirth and setting into motion that which we wish to cause and create in this cycle. The cycle being 6 months long, rather than the 4 week period between New Moons. As part of our New Moon Mindfulness, we want to embrace all times when the veil is lifted and we are able to easily communicate to the Divine what we are manifesting in the present in order that the future will hold its fruition.

Here is a simple ritual you can do for your Self during the Vernal Equinox:

SUPPLIES Scrap Paper, cut/torn into small strips Pen Pot for a Dish Garden Potting Soil Seeds for a Dish Garden Water Candle Tingshas (or a bell or other instrument that will make a bell/chime sound)


  1. Light the candle with the intention to bring the Light of the Divine into your space, making it sacred.

  2. Imagine a diamond Light coming down from the Heavens and surrounding your space with the Light of sacred protection, clearing out all that is negative and does not serve you in this moment and allowing only positive energies for your highest good to remain or enter.

  3. State your intention to set into motion that which you want to call to your Self in this Equinox cycle.

  4. On the strips of paper, write a word or phrase which indicates what you are calling in.

  5. Put a thin layer of potting soil in the clay pot.

  6. Now place your written intentions into the pot, being sure not to cover the layer of soil entirely. Alternate layers of soil and intention strips until you've filled the pot about half way. End with a layer of soil on top of your words.

  7. Plant your seeds here, in the middle, to grow your intentions.

  8. Cover the seeds with potting soil. Water your planting.

  9. State your intention to grow your seeds throughout this Vernal Equinox season.

  10. Ring your tingshas 3 times.

Tend to your newly planted garden regularly so that the seeds you have sown will grow and mature. Don't plant the seeds and never water the pot! Your tending to this plant symbolizes your tending to the seeds of your dream which you planted today. Don't let your dreams die! Water and fertilize them regularly. Give them your time and attention so they wil grow, like this plant will with tender loving care that you give it. Do the same for your dreams and desires.


Everything lives in your journal! Write down a summary of your Vernal Equinox Ritual, what you did and how you felt. How do you feel in this moment right now? Make a note each time you tend to your dream garden. How are the plants growing? How are your dreams growing? When the first leaves manifest from the dirt, note down where you are in growing the dreams you have planted. When the flowers bloom, note what stage you are with your dreams. Are they blooming too? When it's time to pinch back the plants to keep them happy and healthy, note whether you are making adjustments (pinching back) to your dreams in order that they continue to blossom. Each time you go to tend to this dish garden, remember that you are tending to your dreams too. Don't neglect them!

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