Your Friday Oracle
I have made the decision to pull a card from one of my oracle decks each Friday while asking a question beneficial to the group. I started this a couple of weeks ago and posted the first Your Friday Oracle on my Facebook Page (please feel free to join -- all are welcome!). And then I decided it will serve more people if I post it on the blog rather than in a closed group. So, here is the first time on the blog, Your Friday Oracle card:
I asked "What is our collective focus during this Full Moon for calling to ourselves that which will benefit us right now in this moment?" The card which was pulled was XV Initiation: Mary Magdalene. To pull the Goddess card on the eve of the Full Moon...
From the Guidebook:
"Mary is here to remind you that you hold the sacred womb and doorway to life through your divine feminine essence, regardless of your gender. Her power to anoint through the rites of initiation are available to you as you remember the ancient wisdom and teachings that live in your cellular memory. Honor Mary through the reverence of your holy essence and the power of your inner High Priestess, as the Bride of Spirit where all creation is restored."
At this Full Moon, we are being initiated by Mary Magdalene. It is time for us to move through our sacred womb and doorway and reach our divine feminine essence. To channel that holy essence for our Self, in order that we cause and create. And now that we have reached that space, it is time to gestate, for it is in the sacred womb that we create and where we ourselves are created.
Step into your sacred space within. Release from there that which no longer serves you. Your gestation has begun anew and this is the time to cause and create from within all that you wish to call to your Self in the next cycle (at the New Moon). You will soon be reborn ready to bring to the Collective the gifts which the Divine has bestowed upon you. Her creation of you continues the cycle of creation by all that you cause and create in this world. The time is now to create the abundant life you desire.