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This New Moon's Manifestations

New Moon

The New Moon is a time to set new intentions for the new cycle in your life. Today, May 6, 2016, is the New Moon and I plan to benefit from the energies present during this time to set my intentions and manifest new goodness in my life.

How so?

By doing what we've been taught to do since we were days old: Ritual...

For me, the word "ritual" conjurs up visions of religiously garbed men with pointy hats, large staffs, and gold chalices who chant some foreign words so low that even if you understood the language you wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying. Maybe you get the same kind of visual too. But what we must realize is that is only one form of ritual -- a formal one -- and that we were introduced to ritual on the day we were born:

*We are immediately put on a ritual of eating every two hours.

*We are immediately put through the regular diaper change ritual.

*We have a bath time/naptime/bedtime ritual established for us.

There is ritual all throughout our daily lives whether or not we acknowledge it as such. The simple habit of waking at 5:00 a.m., showering, eating breakfast, dressing, and leaving for work daily is a ritual. Performing sacred rituals in your life, ones that you create for your Self which hold sacred meaning for You, can only stand to enhance your life by adding more meaning to your day-to-day activities. It causes you to take the time to be present to your current actions rather than doing things through rote memorization and mechanics. They help you to set your intentions, become clear on what it is you are trying to reach or obtain, and bring your focus to the Present -- where you should be living from...

Perform a New Moon Ritual for your Self today!

As I said, the New Moon is a time to set your intentions for this cycle. What is it that you want to cause and create in your life? What have you been called to manifest? Once you have answered these questions -- and your answers should be written down with clarity, they should be specific, and they should be written in a positive light -- perform this quick New Moon Ritual to set them into motion:

New Moon Ritual


Journal and Pen

White Candle

White Sage or Palo Santo

Meditation Music

1. Enter your sacred space and use the white sage or palo santo to smudge the space.

2. Light the candle and start the meditation music.

3. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Relax and let the day slowly fall away.

4. Take 7 deep cleansing breaths, each to the count of 7 while inhaling and exhaling.

5. Open your journal to a new blank page. Date the page.

6. Write a statement which affirms and embraces that which you are about to manifest:

I accept these things into my life and embrace them or that which has been provided

which is better than what I have requested for the manifestation of my highest good

and for the highest good of all.

7. Now list that which you are manifesting during this cycle. Be clear, concise, & specific.

8. When you are done writing, say a prayer of thanks. Manifestation has already begun.

Now that you have your list started and have begun adding simple ritual to your life in order to manifest goodness, at each New Moon revisit your list and re-write it, removing those things which have already manifested and re-wording those things which have changed for you and not yet manifested. Also, remove those goals which you no longer have. They haven't manifested and you no longer desire them, for a reason...

Ritual doesn't have to be elaborate and cumbersome to be effective. Add sacred ritual to your life and start manifesting things your way today!

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